
Yuhei Yamauchi
FLIT Director
Prof. Yamauchi is the director of the FLIT team. His research focuses on technology-enhanced learning environment design through development and fieldwork research.

Hiroki Oura
Associate Professor
(2015/04/01-2018/09/30 Fellow)
Prof. Oura is interested in science learning in authentic practices and pursues design theory and assessment techniques through curriculum development and implementation.

Wakako Fushikida
Associate Professor
(2015/04/01-2018/09/30 Fellow)
Prof. Fushikida is interested in the development of generic skills through seminars in higher education.

Yuki Anzai
Project Assistant Professor
Prof. Anzai is interested in creativity in collaboration and pursues design principles and assessment techniques for productive workshops.

Ryohei Ikejiri
Project Assistant Professor
Prof. Ikejiri is interested in transfer of historical learning and his research focuses on design theory through development and assessment of instructional materials.

Nakaya Kae
Project Assistant Professor
Prof. Nakaya is interested in foreign language education. Topics of her research are developing of a mobile application for Japanese EFL learners to support in practicing English speaking and learning design which combines self-study using the application with classroom activities.

Ryota Yamamoto
Project Assistant Professor
Prof. Yamamoto conducts fieldwork to identify the activity and situation that consists human action in various places such as the elementary schools in the Philippines, special needs education schools and learning commons.